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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween Recap...a week late

This year was the first year since living on my own that I had trick or treaters!  We didn't really get them at my parents house either so I was pretty excited.  Unfortunately, due to the storm, Michael and I's plans to carve pumpkins and decorate a bit was ruined so Halloween afternoon I picked up some spider web, 3 pumpkins (one for Sadie too!), and decorated the bushes outside the house.  I wanted to make sure that kids knew our house was giving out candy since the houses right around us were not.  I even had the awesome idea at the last second to play Pandora out the window from my phone (ghetto style) on the "Halloween Theme" station.  It was actually pretty spooky sounding from what I could hear :)

Since I was by myself (Michael was off hunting) I did not get any pictures of the actual candy giving, but we were quite successful - all my candy was gone and I had to turn my lights out by 8!  I was a bit worried how Sadie would do with the doorbell ringing and the knocking, and as expected she went pretty crazy barking the first few times and I had to lock her in a room while I opened the door.  By the end though, she was over the whole barking thing and did not even get off the couch.

Here she is decked out in her homemade bandana from a Halloween dish towel scored for $1 at Hobby Lobby!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween, I can't believe Thanksgiving is two weeks away!!

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