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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rustic Stand on the Frontier of Craftiness

Who likes my title?  I thought it was pretty clever and thought about it during my most genius-idea producing time...the shower of course!  You may be wondering why it is so clever and lucky for you I am about to tell you.

A few weeks back I was contacted by Charley Cooke of Cooke's Frontier (ah, there is the key to my awesome title) to do a review and giveaway of our cupcake stand from our Etsy shop.  I was super excited because I had always seen bloggers doing giveaways and I always wondered how they teamed up with these people to give away the items, and lo and behold it was happening to me!

Charley did a great review of our cupcake stand and came up with so many cool ideas for alternative ways to use the stand - fairy themed parties anyone??  She also did a really awesome mockup for Halloween, go check it out HERE to see more pictures and some other super cool ideas.  And duh, if any of you out there want to win this stand for free don't miss the super easy opportunity over on her blog when you are visiting.

Thanks for stopping by!


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